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Chasing success

What is “Success”? Jérémy Landes was asking himself, in a warm bath with a bottle of 4° champagne. Can I reproduce Success?

NaN Success is Jérémy Landes’ latest release on Berlin label boutique NaN. It encapsulates Landes’ distinctive wiggily organic touch in a family of 18 eclectic typographic styles. The heteroclit family is thought as a titling war machine, allowing flexibility into how to apply its craziness to your layout. Each style (Sans, Titling, Text…) comes with its own personnality and different degree of awe.

Success comes as a reflection on the thought of Success itself. Releasing a retail typeface is always a bet, a coin thrown in the air with the hope that it will fall on a smiley face. Will Jérémy be able to pay his next rent, will the investment of months of work will pay out, even come to a balance? At the end of the day, the decision is not in our hands anymore but in the ones of the public, in your hands.


Inside Outside
One expression 3 different genres
Supports Cyrillic
18 styles
A titling machine
Infinite possibilities
Forever growth killing the planet
Chaotic evil energy
Cyrillic at heart
Maked To Fit


Ego Trip

“What is Success?” Jérémy Landes asked himself, sitting in a warm bath with a bottle of 4°C champagne.

— Will I ever repeat my success?
— Can one find their own recipe for success?— By using the very name of success, can someone cast it upon them, as a spell, or does it contrarily risk to scare it forever?

I asked myself these perilous metaphysical questions while envisioning the creation of, wait for it, yet another (display) typeface. If a relative success struck me once or twice by chance, did the chance run out, or can it be called forth once more? Those questions could seem frivolous or ego-driven but success for one author of retail fonts (and for many creators) is tied to their ability to make a living. And this is the question that I'm asking myself: “will this new typeface help me to make a living?”

NaN Success is an ego-trip, a self reflection on the precariousness of the atomised creative worker, doomed, as we are told, to permanently seduce an audience, to keep it pleased and fascinated, over and over, always with a smile on our face. It’s a reflection on fashion and its tendencies. A self-fulfilling prophecy. As someone who fell by mix mistake and intuition into a certain kind of typographical zeitgeist, after that I felt that I needed to show — to whom? — that I could draw other shapes than organic ultra-display fonts. I restrained myself from drawing in this genre for a while. But why should I restrain myself from drawing something that brings me joy, only because it’s perhaps too fashionable? When Marie Kondo came to help me navigate through my type sketches and ideas, I realised that wobbly fonts, at the first place, brought me a lot of joy. Success is this spark of joy that I decided to embrace and to let grow and blossom.

It got out of hand. What was supposed to be a one-style-only quick project grew into this 18 styles collection that you can see today. I guess that the soil was fertile.


NaN Success is an essay on titling typography. The 3 sub-families — Success Titling, Success Sans & Success Text — all answer, separately and together different questions and challenges raised by typography. It carries without shame the many idiosyncrasies that can make an interesting titling typeface today. I drew from my obsession for organic curves and love of stylistic oxymorons to birth this sort of Frankenstein’s type monster of a family.

Drawing inspiration from late Art-Nouveau typefaces, De Vinne, Louis Jou, and mixing it with a healthy amount of alien goo, I brought the master Success Titling sub-family to life. This display sub-family is packed with an insane 280 ligatures for both the Latin and Cyrillic scripts. In that, Success is an out-of-the-box titling machine for designers. But because this wasn’t enough, Success Titling was augmented with innovative multi-width ligatures and alternates, meaning that compressed and wide glyphs are mixed in with its ligatures providing an inimitable hand-lettered feeling.

Success Sans takes the distinctive curves of its big sister but applies it more sporadically on a condensed gothic skeleton, mixing together industrial and organic sources of inspiration. The Light style embodies a lace-like delicacy while the as-bold-as-it-can Black calls for both the forces of nature and hot steam, as a steam-punk golem. Note that Success Titling and Success Sans share the same proportions and, as such, can be seamlessly mixed together in the same line or even in the same word.

Success Text brings a long-reading, text-friendly horse to the family by taking everything that makes Success while keeping the very substance, the bone marrow of its titling siblings. It takes advantage of the organic qualities of the family in a tuned-down fashion to deliver a very warm and comfortable text rhythm. Its low contrast makes it solid and confident even at small sizes, while its unique weight disposal brings a subtle personality to the paragraph.

As a whole, Success stands as box of tools that might as well never been used together, but that can deliver surprisingly diverse tones of voice.

Sharing success

Ruminating on this topic of success one can’t avoid the question of selfishness and individualism that seem to be deeply rooted within. Our future is menaced by climate change and the responsibility of the global North on the difficulties encountered by peoples of the global South can’t be denied. One can only realise that the notion of success itself needs to be requestioned as a collective global one.

Because one can’t keep a liveable Earth alone and because the taste of success is very bitter when it can't be shared.

As a small step in the direction of sharing any success and making it meaningful for the most people, together with NaN we decided to donate 15% of the revenue generated by the sales of this type-family to the NGO fighting for climate justice ClientEarth. So that we build a « success with » instead as a « success against », or « at the cost of » others.


ClientEarth is an environmental charity using the law to create systemic change. Focusing on the most pressing environmental challenges, they force big corporations and governments to respect the environmental laws that are already in place but barely respected. Partnering with ClientEarth allows us to ensure that success can be embraced by the most in the future.

To pursue this dynamic, we decided to offer a 100% discounted license to use Success for any project related to nature conservation, sustainability and environmental justice. Please get in touch with such project at


The use of fermentation, particularly for beverages, has existed since the Neolithic and has been documented dating from 7000–6600 BCE in Jiahu, China, 5000 BCE in India, Ayurveda mentions many Medicated Wines, 6000 BCE in Georgia,3150 BCE in ancient Egypt, 3000 BCE in Babylon, 2000 BCE in pre-Hispanic Mexico, and 1500 BC in Sudan. Fermented foods have a religious significance in Judaism and Christianity. The Baltic god Rugutis was worshiped as the agent of fermentation. Louis Pasteur in his laboratory — In 1837, Charles Cagniard de la Tour, Theodor Schwann and Friedrich Traugott Kützing independently published papers concluding, as a result of microscopic investigations, that yeast is a living organism that reproduces by budding. Schwann boiled grape juice to kill the yeast and found that no fermen
The use of fermentation, particularly for beverages, has existed since the Neolithic and has been documented dating from 7000–6600 BCE in Jiahu, China, 5000 BCE in India, Ayurveda mentions many Medicated Wines, 6000 BCE in Georgia,3150 BCE in ancient Egypt, 3000 BCE in Babylon, 2000 BCE in pre-Hispanic Mexico, and 1500 BC in Sudan. Fermented foods have a religious significance in Judaism and Christianity. The Baltic god Rugutis was worshiped as the agent of fermentation. Louis Pasteur in his laboratory — In 1837, Charles Cagniard de la Tour, Theodor Schwann and Friedrich Traugott Kützing independently published papers concluding, as a result of microscopic investigations, that yeast is a living organism that reproduces by budding. Schwann boiled grape juice to kill the yeast and found that no fermen
Фермента́ція (також зброджування) — це анаеробний метаболічний розпад молекул (наприклад, цукрози або глюкози) за допомогою мікроорганізмів з отриманням таких продуктів як етанол, вуглекислий газ, молочна кислота, оцтова кислота, етилен тощо. Бродіння часто використовується для приготування або збереження продуктів харчування. Частіше, кажучи про бродіння, мають на увазі перетворення цукру на спирт за допомогою дріжджів, але, наприклад, при виробництві йогуртів використовується бродіння за допомогою бактерій. Ферментативний окисно-відновний процес, результатом якого є розклад органічних речовин, насамперед вуглеводів, до простіших сполук (напр., спиртів, органічних кислот, метану), і який протікає як без доступу кисню (напр., метанове бродіння), так і в присутності кисню (напр., цитратне бродіння). Це природний процес, який викликається певними мікроорганізми (або вилученими з них ферментами). Енергія, що при цьому виділяється використовується для їх життєдіяльності, а продукти — в біосинтезі, деякі — як захисні засоби в боротьбі з конкурентами. Оскільки фрукти зброджуються в своєму натуральному стані, бродіння з'явилося раніше людської історії. Проте, люди з деяких пір навчилися контролювати процес бродіння. Є вагомі докази того, що люди зброджували напої у Вавилоні близько 5000 р. до н. е., в Стародавньому Єгипті близько 3000 р. до н. е., в доіспанській Мексиці близько 2000 р. до н. е. та в Судані близько 1500 р. до н. е. Також існують дані про дріжджовий хліб в Стародавньому Єгипті близько 1500 р. до н. е. і зброджування молока у Вавилоні близько 3000 р. до н. е. Китайці, ймовірно, першими стали зброджувати овочі. У 19 столітті Луї Пастер, вивчаючи перетворення вуглеводів на етиловий спирт під дією дріжджів, дійшов до висновку, що цей процес каталізується якоюсь «життєвою силою», що знаходиться в дріжджових клітинах. За два роки по смерті Пастера 1897 року Едуард Бюхнер опублікував роботу «Спиртове бродіння без дріжджових клітин», в якій експериментально показав, що екстракт клітин дріжджів здійснює спиртове бродіння так само, як і незруйновані дріжджові клітини[1]. 1907 року за цю роботу він був удостоєний Нобелівської премії.


Titling Sub-family

Sans Sub-family

Text Sub-family

Single style from 60€
Whole family (15 styles) from 400€
Exclusively from NaN



→ NaN Success was designed by Jérémy Landes between 2021 and 2022 in Berlin.
→ Additional production was provided by Fátima Lázaro.
→ Spacing and kerning were executed by Igino Marini.
→ Animations by Bettina Comte.
→ Launch video by Julia Grüßing.
→ This website was developped by Johannes Neumeier.

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